Statement of Faith

The Bible

The sole basis of our belief is the Bible, composed of the 66 books of the Old Testament and New Testament. We believe that scripture in its entirety originated with God and was given through the means of chosen men. Scripture thus at the same time speaks with the authority of God and reflects the backgrounds, styles and vocabulary of the human authors. We hold that the scriptures are infallible and without error in their original manuscripts. They are unique, and are the full and the final authority on all matters of faith and practice, and there are no other writings similarly inspired by God. The central purpose of God’s revelation is to teach us about Himself and His pursuit of the Human heart through redemption. By learning about God, Himself, we are then able to understand all of the truths that flow from who He is.


A major theme in God’s revelation of scripture is to restore all people into a personal relationship with Him. Originally created to have a personal relationship with God, man and woman defied God, choosing to go their own way, and thus were alienated from God and suffered the corruption of their nature, rendering them unable to please God. The fall took place at the beginning of human history, and all individuals since have suffered these consequences and are in need of the saving grace of God. Salvation of mankind is then, wholly the work of God’s free grace, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, not the result, in part, or whole, of human works of goodness, and must be personally appropriated by faith. When God had accomplished a saving work in the heart of any person, he gives assurance in his word that they are a new creature and have been adopted into the family of God and He will never abandon or forsake His children. The good news of salvation is two fold: forgiveness from sin made available by the work of Jesus on the cross and secondly: the empowering of the believer to live daily under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

The Church

The natural result of union with Jesus Christ is that all believers become members of His Body, the Church. There is one true church universal, comprised of all those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as Savior. Scripture commands believers to gather together to devote themselves to relationship, teaching of the word, worship, observance of the sacraments of baptism, communion and marriage, to fellowship, service and use of spiritual gifts for the building of the

Wherever God’s people meet together in obedience to His commands, there is the local expression of the Church. Under the watch care of the Pastors and Elders, its members are to work together in love and unity, intent on being His people, doing His work, to glorify the Father.


Baptism is the celebration of changed lives that desire to go public. The observance of Baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. Baptism in no way saves a person it is only a symbol of what God has already done in their lives. At the Road we observe baptism by emersion, as we believe it is the biblical model, but we will not turn away someone who was baptized by a differing method.

Last Things

God, in His own way and in His own time, will bring this world to an end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth: the dead in Christ will be raised; and Christ will judge His own. Those who have rejected the free gift of God will have chosen their eternal destiny, being apart from God in eternal separation and torment in hell that was intended for Satan and his demons.